The Local Government Operations Protocol is a sector-specific protocol that provides the policy framework, calculation methodologies, and reporting guidance for quantifying GHG emissions from local government operations. It was developed in partnership with the California Air Resources Board, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, and The Climate Registry in order to create harmonization between GHG inventories developed by our members and reporters, to promote the important role that local governments can play in combating global climate change, and to advance the consistent, comparable and relevant quantification of GHG emissions by local governments.

Version 1.1

The partners have released a revised version of the protocol in order to update emission factors and improve quantification guidance. Local government members of the California Registry should use the LGO Protocol Version 1.1 and the Standard Inventory Report Version 1.0 when calculating and reporting their emissions.

Version 1.0

This protocol was first adopted by the California Registry Board in August 2008, by the ICLEI Board and the California Air Resources Board in September 2008, and by The Climate Registry Board in June 2009. The archived reporting protocol and supplemental documents are available below.

Protocol Development Process

The protocol was developed using the California Registry’s protocol development process – a key element of this process involves a multi-stakeholder technical workgroup, which supports our efforts by providing informed advice on GHG accounting and reporting matters specific to this sector. The stakeholders involved in this technical workgroup include local government staff, local government association representatives, state and federal agency personnel, non-governmental organizations, and expert consultants. A larger stakeholder advisory group was also convened to provide additional feedback to staff and the technical workgroup via public workshops and reviewing early drafts of the protocol. Three specialized subgroups were also formed to assist with the development of quantification for solid waste and wastewater facilities, and to help develop the standardized GHG reporting template included in the protocol.

Key Milestones

  • March 2008 – Kick-off Public Workshop in Sacramento
  • March through June 2008 – Workgroup, advisory group and subgroup meetings/conference calls
  • May 2008 – Draft protocol to workgroup/advisory group for review and comment
  • June 2008 – Revised protocol released for public review and comment
  • July 2008 – Public Workshop in Sacramento
  • August 2008 – California Registry Board adopts protocol
  • September 2008 – ICLEI and California Air Resources Board adopt protocol
  • June 2009 – The Climate Registry adopts protocol

We received over 40 sets of written comments during the 30-day public comment period.  We greatly appreciate the questions, comments, and suggestions put forth during the comment period.  In order to efficiently respond to the large number of comments, we consolidated and responded to all comments through a summary document available for download below. All of the individual public comments received are also accessible below.

Summary of Comments and Responses:

Responses to Draft LGO Protocol Comments (August 2008)

Individual Public Comments:

Alameda County ENVIRON International
American Public Transportation Association Florida State University
California Energy Choice Hennepin County, MN
California Integrated Waste Management Board   Los Angeles County, CA
California Wastewater Climate Change Group Los Angeles Dept. of Water and Power
Carbon Disclosure Project Mestre Greve Associates Metropolitan Council, MN
City of Carlsbad, CA Orange County Sanitation District
City of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Pacific Gas and Electric Company
City of Lakewood, CA Resource Systems Group
City of Los Angeles, CA San Bernardino County, CA
City of Morgan Hill, CA San Diego Metropolitan Wastewater Dept.
City of Oakland, CA Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County
City of Phoenix, AZ Solid Waste Industry for Climate Solutions
City of Sacramento, CA Sonoma County, CA
City of Salt Lake City, UT StopWaste et al. – See Below
City of Seattle, WA Stratosphere, LLC
Climate Mitigation Services The Climate Trust
Community Energy Association Utah Department of Environmental Quality
Covanta Energy Corporation Waste Management
Environmental Defense Fund World Resources Institute

StopWaste et al. group comment submission from:, San Francisco Department of the Environment, City of San Jose, County of Alameda General Services Agency, City of Santa Monica, City of Berkeley, and Californians Against Waste.

Workgroup & Subgroup Members


Ana Sandoval Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Jen McGraw Center for Neighborhood Technologies 
Amelia Ravin CDM
Melissa Capria City and County of San Francisco
Linda Kermott City of Carlsbad, CA
Brendan Reed City of Chula Vista, CA
Gary Woloshyniuk City of Edmonton, Alberta
Gerald Shechter City of Kansas City, Missouri
Gretchen Hardison City of Los Angeles, CA
Karl Van Orsdol City of Palo Alto, CA
Mark Lowery NY State Department of Environmental Conservation
Xantha Bruso Pacific Gas & Electric Company
Renee Zollinger Salt Lake City, UT
Jon Elam Tamalpais Community Service District
Andrea Denny United States Environmental Protection Agency
Sarah Rees Washington Department of Ecology
David Rich World Resources Institute

Solid Waste Subgroup:

Scott Smithline Californians Against Waste 
Nick Lapis Californians Against Waste 
Larry Hunsaker  California Air Resources Board 
Derek Markolf  California Climate Action Registry 
Scott Walker  California Integrated Waste Management Board 
Stephanie Young  California Integrated Waste Management Board 
Cynthia Hibbard CDM 
Marleen Leonce  City of Kansas City, MO 
Kim Tran  City of Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation 
Margarita Maria Parra  ICLEI 
Frank Caponi  Los Angeles County Sanitation District 
Debra Kaufman 
Chuck White  Waste Management 
Melissa Weitz  United States Environmental Protection Agency 


Wastewater Subgroup:

Jim Sandoval  California Wastewater Climate Change Group 
Renee Lawver  California Air Resources Board 
Randy Schmidt         Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 
Kim Tran Los Angeles County Sanitation District 
Glen Daigger  CH2MHILL 
Patrick Griffith Los Angeles County Sanitation District 
Helen Hu 

Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District/
Central Valley Clean Water Association 

Frank Caponi Los Angeles County Sanitation District 
Jon Elam Tamalpais Community Service District, Mill Valley, CA 

Reporting Subgroup:

Ana Sandoval  Bay Area Air Quality Management District 
Abby Young  Bay Area Air Quality Management District 
Jen McGraw Center for Neighborhood Technology 
Gretchen Hardison  City of Los Angeles, CA 
Craig Tranby City of Los Angeles, CA 
Linda Kermott City of Carlsbad, CA
Gary Woloshyniuk City of Edmonton, AB, Canada
Renee Zollinger Salt Lake City, UT
Andrea Denny United States Environmental Protection Agency


Partner Staff

Rachel Tornek  California Climate Action Registry 
Dana Papke  California Air Resources Board 
Garrett Fitzgerald ICLEI
Alex Ramel  ICLEI 
Webster Tasat  California Air Resources Board 
Heather Raven  California Climate Action Registry 
Jim Yienger  ICLEI 
Peggy Foran  The Climate Registry