Getting Emissions Reports Accepted on the First Try:
A Guide for Members, Verifiers, and Technical Assistants
(September 2008)
Sector-Specific Guide to Greenhouse Gasses
How to Complete the Movement Report (September 2008)
CARROT Guide (December 2008)
Most Common Reporting Errors (July 2009)
Emission Factors for Purchased Electricity (June 2008)

2004-2008 Utility-Specific Emissions Factors (May 2010)

Doing Business in a New Climate

Below is a table of California utilities who are California Registry members.  As part of their reporting requirements, these utilities must provide an efficiency metric of lbs. CO2/MWH for the electricity delivered to their customers.  This metric is referred to as a utility-specific electricity delivery metric.  These metrics provide the most accurate picture available of the electricity that you actually consume each year.

Utility Name 2008 Emission Factor
lbs/MWh lbs/KWh
Austin Energy 1,083.07 1.08307
California Department of Water Resources 716.14 0.72
City of Vernon 810.38 0.81038
Imperial Irrigation District 1,270.90 1.27090
Martinez Cogen Ltd. Partnership 945.27 0.94527
PG&E 641.35 0.64
Sacramento Municipal Utility District 632.43 0.63243
San Diego Gas & Electric 739.05 0.73905
Seattle City Light 28.99 0.02899
Sierra Pacific Resources dba NV Energy 1,328.16 1.32816
Turlock Irrigation District 790 0.79000

A good way of double-checking the kWh you report to the California Registry is to compare your monthly electric bills with an annual statement of usage provided by your utility provider. Here are some links from California utilities where you may be able to find useful information:




PG&E customers may log onto PG&E’s website to access two year’s worth of annual electricity consumption utilizing their account number.


Local governments may contact [email protected] for municipality information.




SDG&E Homepage:

kWickview is a free online tool that allows SDG&E business customers to generate detailed reports on their energy usage.


Energy Waves allows residential customers to view up to seventeen months of energy consumption.



Archive Reporting Tips


Reporting Natural Gas for Leased Office Spaces (June 2008)


Acetylene Emission Factor (December 2007)

Leased Office Space Clarification (December 2007)


Organizational Boundaries Reporting Table (May 2008)


Debriefing on Reporting and Verification (June 2008)

2006 Utility-Specific Emission Factors (Excel, June 2008)